Welcome to the Mommy & Me class!
The Caterpillar College offers a time-tested cobblestone trail that delicately transitions your child from the home environment to the school environment with confidence, character and poise. The Mommy & Me class is the first step of this trail. The class transitions both you and your child from your family environment at the beginning of the year to the three-year-old classroom, which your child independently attends on the last day.
The curriculum is serious fun! Serious because it lays the necessary groundwork for all of the academics to come. Fun because it involves playing with mushy stuff, singing songs, reading stories, and playing games. The mushy stuff increases muscle strength and hand control for later holding a pencil and beginning to write. Singing songs teaches vocabulary, rhythm and the joy of music. Reading stimulates the imagination and creates a love of books. Playing games teaches social rules, such as waiting your turn, hand-eye coordination and strategies for going from one step to the next.
Mommy & Me meets every Friday beginning on October 6, 2017 and runs through May of 2018. You will be billed in advance on a monthly basis at $15 per session. Payments are due on the 1st of each month with a $10 late fee assessed after the 10th of each month.
Mommy & Me meets from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. The hour will consist of circle time (where we will sing our good morning song, the ABC’s, count to 10, etc.), activities, crafts and free play/socialization. We will be singing, dancing, learning finger plays and poems, reading stories, painting, coloring, gluing, and all sorts of other exciting activities that will help your children grow in their development. The most important part of this program is the parent/child interaction. Your child will only get as much out of each day as you put into it. Therefore, it is essential that you participate with your child in each and every activity! The free play time at the end of class will be your chance to get to know and talk with the other parents in the classroom.
Here are the basic classroom guidelines:
- Please have your child in a clean/dry diaper prior to class.
- Please silence or turn off your cell phone before entering the classroom.
- Wear comfortable clothes (including sox) that you are not afraid to get dirty, as we may get dirty!
- Parent participation is key in helping your child get the most out of the program.
- Be respectful of the teacher, please do not socialize or talk while the teacher is teaching.
- Have fun!
We are really looking forward to all the fun and learning that will be taking place each week in our classroom! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with me at your convenience.