Welcome to the Caterpillar class!
The Caterpillar College offers a time-tested cobblestone trail that delicately transitions your child from the home environment to the school environment with confidence, character and poise. The first step on this trail was the Mommy & Me class, which transitioned both you and your child from your family environment at the beginning of the year to the three-year-old classroom, which your child independently attended on the last day.
Now it is time for the next step: the Caterpillar Class. The Caterpillar Class guides your child to be comfortable and calm with their classmates, teachers and, most-importantly, themselves. They learn the importance of social skills like sharing and patience. They learn basic concepts like shapes, colors and letters. They learn how to be more independent with their coats and hats - and yes, even in the bathroom.
Your child will be engaged and happy as they are introduced to science, math, music, ballet, and Tae Kwan Do as part of their daily routine. They love story time (including puppet shows), and singing and dancing as they get to know their classmates and learn school rules. Various activities like using training scissors and playing at our sensory table develop small motor skills and muscle control to manipulate writing utensils.
Outside on our five-acre campus, play equipment has been specially chosen to develop large motor skills like climbing, skipping, throwing and running.
On behalf of our entire staff, we welcome you to the Caterpillar Class and look forward to seeing your child develop. Toward the end of the year you can look forward to your child spending time getting acclimated in the butterfly classroom. Next year as a butterfly s/he will continue down our cobblestone trail to become a confident leader in kindergarten and beyond.